Friday, April 12, 2013

A New Sewing Season

 Last fall, I began teaching a sewing class at my home.  These two friends so inspired me that I decided it was time to branch out and though the Christmas classes never got off the ground, the opportunities to teach began to explode.  I'm now teaching three classes and am adding another class in May!!!                                The fun thing is that most of my students are between the ages of ten and fourteen.  That is such a great age to learn.  I was twelve when I took my first class at a Singer Sewing store in the Thruway Mall in Buffalo, NY, and I made myself a jumper, complete with a hat.  Oh, how I wish I had that today!  How cool would that be?

My very first sewing class at the boy's co-op turned out spectacular.  I had six extremely excited and talkative girls that learned how to make pajama pants, which, btw, came in handy this past winter...we had several cold days, even this past week!  Hope they wore theirs; I wore my footie jammies a lot!  The boys got tired of seeing them on me.
I felt extremely honored to receive a card from a very sweet girl telling me that she loved me and yet got upset with me sometimes because I made her use her 'best friend', the seam ripper so many times!
I love what I do!
There are so many stories, just like this one that, I think I'll do this for the rest of my life!