Monday, November 18, 2013

Bags and such

Glad you stopped by.
Classes are moving right along.
It's been so thrilling to watch the expression on a girl/woman's face when she finishes a row of stitches and they're just right or she completes her project.

We've been working on making little bags from this tutorial I found.  Simple enough, but challenging as well for someone just learning to sew.

This class finished first.  They all did a great job!
A new class will be launched this Jan. for the little girls again (from 8-10).  If you know someone that would be interested, let them know. 
They can go to my Designs by Daune Facebook page.

Monday, September 16, 2013

It's all about Aprons

...who doesn't love them? 

Even if you don't wear one, they conjure up memories of grandma, time spent in the kitchen with someone that you love or loves you...

I've made many different kinds, some as gifts, some to sell and some to wear myself. 
Fall is here, and with it comes Thanksgiving...
...time for aprons.  What kind do you like?  Half or full? 
One of my classes is making aprons, all different ones.  It's wonderful to see the excitement when the pocket seams look fabulous or we're ready to move on to the next step and it's all coming together...
If you'd like to make an apron, give me a holler!  I'd love to help.  Perhaps start a class!  I'd love to help you make it happen! 
If you're out-of-town and you'd like one made for the holidays, let me know.
Here's to aprons...

So what do I need for class?

Here's the list you need for class:
  • your own sewing machine (one with a light, please)
  • click here and look under necessary supplies
  • a sewing gauge, a measuring tape, a seam ripper
  • an iron/ ironing board, interfacing and fabric are not necessary for class (I supply these to begin with)

The teen class begins this Wed. from 4-6 p.m. and I'm super excited to get it off the ground.  Be here fifteen minutes early to get your machine set up.  Do not forget the cord to your machine...that's happened a couple times.  I cannot help with that!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Where's the mommas?

Well, it looks like I'll have to put the 'Mommas' class on hold.  Sorry to have to do that, but there hasn't been enough of a response to warrant the class.  Check back often, in case things change.

Lots of classes going on...and painting.

About a month ago, I decided to spruce up my sewing room because I was going to begin teaching FROM MY HOME!  I painted the one wall a beautiful purple/blue color and rearranged the fabric shelves to have it all nearby.  Up to this point, I've been the 'traveling' sewing teacher.  I cannot be thankful enough to be able to host classes here now.  No more driving in 99° plus weather without a/c, no more carting everything I need in order to teach, and no more forgetting important things in my rushing to get out the door to be somewhere on time!
That was a month ago.  As of today, there are two classes coming here!  I couldn't be more excited.  The newest class that began three weeks ago is made up of three eight/nine yr. old girls, a mom and a brave young woman willing to move slowly.  But slow is anything but the word to describe them!  They are catching on extremely quick and I can't seem to keep up with them or their hunger to learn!
One little one went home with fabric I gave the girls and designed a purse~! 
Am I a proud teacher or what? 
You bet I am.

Just a heads up...

I'm still waiting to see if there will be enough students to start the next class: "Just for Teen girls"!Every other Wed. from 4-6 p.m., starting this coming Wednesday, Sept. 11th.  If you know a teen girl that wants to learn, why not sign her up and sponsor her!  Neither one of you will regret you did!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Time to learn to sew!

Summer is almost over, school is beginning and I'm adding classes for the fall.

Calling all ladies!
Are you ready to learn a skill that will last a lifetime and one that will impact future generations?
Due to the amazing response from posting an ad on Craigslist, I'm opening up another new class in September.
This class is for ladies only!
Have you always wanted to learn, but couldn't 'seem' to get the 'point' that all you needed was someone to put a 'notion' in your head that you can do it! 
I'm so funny sometimes~
On September. 9th, from 9:15-11:15 a.m.,
I'll be offering a ladies class where we won't
'nap', but rather 'ease' into a new skill: 
I keep my classes small. 
No more than six to a class! 
That way, you get more attention and help!
Sign up today by emailing me or clicking my Facebook badge on the right of the page and signing up there!
Message me with your questions, etc. 

Each class progresses until you've 'stitched' your way to success~
This class will run through Dec. 30th, at which time, we'll decide whether you want to keep going!  That means we'll have nine classes to press out all the wrinkles in your understanding of how to use your machine, make gifts for the holidays, as well as learn how to read a pattern, how to hem, make a ruffle, and the list goes on and on...
So, don't delay.  Classes are filling fast!
Thanks ladies!

Friday, April 12, 2013

A New Sewing Season

 Last fall, I began teaching a sewing class at my home.  These two friends so inspired me that I decided it was time to branch out and though the Christmas classes never got off the ground, the opportunities to teach began to explode.  I'm now teaching three classes and am adding another class in May!!!                                The fun thing is that most of my students are between the ages of ten and fourteen.  That is such a great age to learn.  I was twelve when I took my first class at a Singer Sewing store in the Thruway Mall in Buffalo, NY, and I made myself a jumper, complete with a hat.  Oh, how I wish I had that today!  How cool would that be?

My very first sewing class at the boy's co-op turned out spectacular.  I had six extremely excited and talkative girls that learned how to make pajama pants, which, btw, came in handy this past winter...we had several cold days, even this past week!  Hope they wore theirs; I wore my footie jammies a lot!  The boys got tired of seeing them on me.
I felt extremely honored to receive a card from a very sweet girl telling me that she loved me and yet got upset with me sometimes because I made her use her 'best friend', the seam ripper so many times!
I love what I do!
There are so many stories, just like this one that, I think I'll do this for the rest of my life!